Need your help - Naming our new kitten!

My new roommate and I are thrilled that a sweet bundle of purring, acrobatic, tail-chasing love has joined our new household. We're just a little conflicted as to what to name him.

I have created a poll (located to the right of this column), and I would love some input of this pressing matter.

A little context for each name:

Pepe - (aka Pepito) as in popular animated romeo/skunk, Pepe Le Pew. His black and white coloring and affectionate nature make it an apt moniker.

Miracle - name of a very dear departed friend. Also, this kitten was found all alone in a box in the snow with nothing but an old towel for company and a few morsels of food. He was miraculously rescued from freezing to death. Gives me shivers to think of it!

Nikko - Japanese word for cat. Just sounds very cute; and what could be cuter than our kitty?

Thanks for voting!
Also, thanks for enduring this onslaught of cooing and overall mushy behaviour.

Perhaps this short video clip will inspire a response:


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