Deals by Delivery - From Restaurants to Retail, Invite-Only Discount Clubs Get Personal

Have you gotten your Groupon, located your Bloomspot or rejoiced in your Rue La La? Well perhaps you have yet to be invited to one of these online emporiums of discounted goods and services. Most can be accessed directly via their websites, even Rue La La, an online "private sale boutique," which maintains an air of exclusivity, is easily joined with nary a formal invite in sight.

Groupon, Bloomspot and Living Social are all excellent sites for dining and personal services, while the whimsically named Rue La La and ideeli focus on retail luxury items. Groupon deals I have personally enjoyed include a trip to Stevenswood Resort & Spa in Mendocino, a package of laser treatments at Smooth SF, and a fire dancing class at Temple of Poi.

Both Groupon and Living Social have created iPhone apps, which make downloading deals on the go as simple as a few taps on the screen.

These discount outreach programs seem to have emerged only recently, perhaps a silver lining to the dismal deprivation of the not so great recession.

May 24th update:
Another contender for the daily deal market - Plum District - has emerged. "Plum deals" are family oriented with recent deals including kids' martial arts classes and a %50 off family dinner deal at Cal Mart (of course the bargain groceries could be put to use for a fabulous singles' soiree as well).


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